Welcome to Wise Women With Initiative Official Website (https://wisewomenwithinitiative.org/)
We are honored to bring you greetings from Wise Women With Initiative, founded by Chinyere Francis together with the support of passionate women who are of like minds, a community borne out of the desire to end the challenges faced by women in the society.
Wise Women With Initiative cuts across professional and non-professional women, women in politics, business and all class of women, representing several ethnics and religion.
Wise Women With Initiative is a grassroots not-for-profit organization in Nigeria dedicated to Education and Literacy projects, Humanitarian service projects such as Empowerment programs for young women, support for girl child /advocacy, Women and Maternal Health projects.
Gender inequality is an everyday problem faced in Nigeria and Africa in general.
Investing in young women’s economic empowerment and skills development is one of the most urgent and effective means to drive progress on gender equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth.
Despite growing evidence of the positive outcomes of young women’s economic empowerment, young women continue to experience unequal access to education and skills development and face barriers to securing decent employment and opportunities to thrive as entrepreneurs. Young women’s access to resources, including land and loans, may be restricted by discriminatory laws, and young women continue to shoulder an unequal share of unpaid care work, due to the persistence of traditional gender roles.
WWWi works towards empowering some of the most marginalized communities in Nigeria with the aim of bringing about positive social transformation and sustainable development through an emphasis on human rights.
Women belonging to the marginalized sections of Nigeria and sub-Saharan African society often lack the necessary information and skills to bring about positive change in their communities. The majority of rural inhabitants, especially women and girls, are often unaware of their most basic human rights such as being able to speak out and be heard in public forums.
To increase access to decent employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, WWWi has provided vocational training to young, out-of-school women.
It is also good to note that Nigeria is blessed with mineral resources and arable land, but has its challenges in the health sector. Catering for the health needs of women is very low depriving a lot of women basic health requirements. Therefore, our focus is as well on creating a sustainable evergreen project supplying young women with information about feminine and personal hygiene, and useful hygiene products.
One of the major health challenges women face mostly in the rural part of Nigeria is sexual and reproductive problems. Poor feminine hygiene leads to infections and improper management of those infections leads to sexual and reproductive diseases.
WWW Initiative has taken the initiative to safeguard and cater for an area mostly affecting woman and girl’s health; menstruation. In Africa, particularly in Nigeria, menstruation is considered a taboo and shrouded in silence in some ethnic groups, where young girls and women face harsh social taboos and negative social norms. Worst still, many have little or no access to water, toilets and feminine hygiene products.
Nearly seven in ten women in Nigeria have no access to a safe toilet, threatening their health and exposing them to shame, fear and even violence. A lot of women and girls in our society feel their
menstrual cycle is something to be ashamed of and accept the many negative beliefs and barbaric perceptions that exist on the issue.
Cultural myth and belief about menstruation perpetrated by society often portrays women and girls as inferior to men and boys. The gender inequalities often constitute discriminations and a negative impact on the fulfillment of the universal human rights to dignity, health and education of women and girls.
When we talk about menstrual hygiene management, its goes beyond just providing sanitary pads to women and girls, it’s really about helping young girls and the people around them, the men in their lives, father, brothers, husbands, to have the right awareness and the knowledge around menstruation and menstrual cycle. It’s also about helping young girls and women to have the confidence to manage their hygiene safely, with pride and dignity and also ensure that provisions made available for them to manage their menstrual period safely and hygienically and for products to be readily available for collection and disposed of effectively.
Although many may argue that women have come a long way in becoming empowered, there is still progress to be made. Here are some ways in which we can continue to break down barriers and empower women across the world to achieve the opportunities they are entitled to.
Get more women in global leadership goals. ...
Create self-help groups in rural areas. ...
Empower entrepreneurs in developing countries. ...
Teach business skills to women. ...
Encourage more women to take apprentice roles. ...
Create a better environment for career development.
Lastly, wise women with initiative is set to educate the girl child in the developing world, by creating sustainable educational environments that enables girls to break the cycle of poverty. To ensure the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all girl children to education, economic freedom, justice, health and peace. We strongly believe that the need for sustainable educational development of the girl child is a prerequisite need for all, and we are working with other stakeholders on educational advocacy to send as many girl child as possible who couldn't attend to school through our various programs aimed at breaking the circle of poverty and encouraging education of girl child.